I have always loved the Sims games! With the new Sims, I tried it on my DS and viola!!! It was full of mini-games which i really like! It's sort of like Mario Party without the board. I tried the Single player and finished all the festivals. I loved it! But it really makes it more exciting with more players playing for the win!

Cute factor is still great! Characters are still cute and adorable! From Gino, the chef, to Rosalyn, the mayor. Each and every character was given a role!

One of the Mini Games. The fossil search. In this mini game you must carefully dig for the dust and blow them to clear the fossils!

In this mini-game, you must mix the right solutions and shake it correctly to achieve the desired output. Watch for which direction you should shake the flask!

One of the mini-games that I liked! You must twirl your fork CAREFULLY to get the spaghetti and click on the eat button to let your character eat it. The first one to finish the plate gets to have the most points! This is really challenging and super fun!

Who said soft serve ice creams are just in one color? This mini game is basic in the sense that you should give what your customers want or ELSE! hehe:)
There are still lots of mini-games that are super nice and cute. Try it and enjoy the game!
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