Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goodbye 2008! Hello 2009!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Farewell 2008!

A year that started out quite okay but ended with a bad bang! Goodbye 2008! There are so many things that happened in that year! I'm so glad 2008 is over. I know a lot of people can't wait for this year to be over! Goodbye 2008!

Hello 2009!

I can't wait to start another chapter/year! I know chinese new year is still on end of January or February but I can't wait to have a better luck this year! I'm going to be happy! I'm going to enjoy and be luckier this 2009! Happy New Year everyone! We'll make 2009 a better year! or best year ever! :D Reach for the stars! I'll make a list of things that I wanna accomplish this 2009 and hopefully at the end of the year, I'll be able to do each and every one of them!:)

Have a great 2009 everyone!

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